RamSPEC VUV 0.3-0.6 Spectrometer Spectrometers

RamSPEC-VUV  captures the hyper-spectral Raman spectral images on a 25 mm by 7 mm back-thinned CCD detector cooled to <-45 C. It can capture 1044 pixel wide spectra with up to 0.01 nm resolution with as many as 256 vertical elements for each spectral element. The operational range of the spectrometer is any 10 nm band between 140 and 550 nm. RamSPEC-VUV is the first commercial Raman spectrometer available for the VUV region of the spectrum and the first instrument to measure Raman scattering signal in the VUV range of 177 - 190 nm. The system has been designed to allow interchangeability between various grating arrangements for optimum configuration.
Copyright Resonance Ltd., December 2011 143 Ferndale Drive North, Barrie, ON L4N 9V9       Tel: 705-733-3633         Fax: 705-733-1388      Email:sales@resonance.on.ca 
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1st & 2nd Stage: 304nm, 3rd Stage: 608nm 3600 G/mm 140nm - 550nmμm slits 6.0 0.02nm with 25μm slits +/- 0.03nm +/- .2nm <2 x 10-8 in VUV <1x 10-5 torr
Focal Length Standard Grating Wavelength Range F No. Wavelength Resolution Wavelength Accuracy Wavelength Reproducibility Stray Light Ultimate Vacuum
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