COSPEC Correlation Spectrometer Remote Sensors

SO2 and NO2, gases selectively and characteristically absorb light from scattered solar radiation (skylight) as it passes through the  atmosphere.  By correlating the resulting absorption spectrum with corresponding reference spectra etched onto a disc inside the unit, the  COSPEC measures, in real time, the integrated concentration of SO2 or NO2 along  the line of sight, independently of the presence of  other potentially interfering gases.  The COSPEC, incorporating a unique proprietary mask design, has a high signal to noise ratio and is sufficiently sensitive to track plumes over great distances under adverse weather conditions.  Internal signal processing compensates for changing ambient light levels and diurnal spectral shifts. Over 180 COSPECs are currently in use worldwide.
Copyright Resonance Ltd., December 2011 143 Ferndale Drive North, Barrie, ON L4N 9V9       Tel: 705-733-3633         Fax: 705-733-1388 
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SO2 or NO2 10 x 30mrads 2.5ppm-m 0 - 1000 ppm-m (standard, other ranges available) 0 - 50 degrees C 78 x 38 x 22cm 19kg LabVIEW based Software
Target Gases Field of View Limit of Detection Dynamic Range Operating Temperature Size Mass Software
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