VS150CT Spectrograph Spectrometers

The VS150 is a Compact Czerny Turner spectrograph with excellent speed, spectral range and spectral resolution with software control of slit size, input f#, order sorting filters, grating angle and dark exposures.  For VUV operation the spectrograph has a UHV window and laminar flow purge system, which allows operation down to the window short wavelength cut-off (112 nm for MgF2).  The spectrograph employs interchangeable gratings and can interface to a UHV chamber or used on a benchtop in any orientation at the end of a 5-meter cable.  Accessories include a built-in spectral calibration lamp, a multi-spectral flat-light source and low-cost accessories such as telescopes, vacuum adapters, flow controllers.
Copyright Resonance Ltd., December 2011 143 Ferndale Drive North, Barrie, ON L4N 9V9       Tel: 705-733-3633         Fax: 705-733-1388      Email:sales@resonance.on.ca 
Focal Length Best Spectral Resolution 4200 grating Wavelength Range (depends on grating) Wavelength Accuracy CCD QE for 110 - 400nm CCD QE for 400 - 930nm CCD QE for 930 - 1050nm
Minimum 151 112 - 10 15 3
Typical/Median 152.4 0.04 - ± 0.1 18 34 12
Maximum 153 1100 - 20 42 15
Units mm nm nm nm % % %
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152.4mm (6 inches) 152.4mm (6 inches) From 1200 to 4200 grooves per mm Up to 12 steps of 40 to 200nm spanning from 112 to 1100nm (depending on grating) <0.04nm in center of field with 4200 grooves per mm grating Typical range of resolution is 0.04 to 2 nm depending on grating and slit 4200, 3600 l/mm grating 110 to 315 (2 steps) 1200 l/mm grating 110 to 950 (5 steps) Effective range of f# 5.2 to 8.4 2048 pixel linear array with VUV/UV phoshor Window adapter with 2.75” ConflatTM flange Two USB 2.0 cables for data, power and servo
Focal Length (input) Focal Length (output) Available Gratings Wavelength Range Wavelength Resolution Software selectable slits, order masks and dark shutter Software selection of spectral range Software selection of grating aperture Detector UHV Option Connection
Spectrograph H x W x D (diagram below) Vacuum interface H x Dia. Allowance for purge connections
166.7 (6.6) x 195.6 (7.7) x 215.9 (8.5) 3.75 x 2.75 2
mm (inches) Inches Inches
Non-operational Temp.  Range of Spectrograph Temp. Range of Vacuum Flange plus Window Ultimate Vacuum of Vacuum adapter
Minimum -20 -50 1e-14
Maximum 70 220 1e-9
Units oC oC mbar
Typical/Median 22 22 1e-10
System Power Source Current Consumption
USB 2.0 <500 mA
Software and Drivers Software drivers and demonstration programs are available for Visual Basic, Delphi, LabView and C++.   Interfacing can also be accomplished using the spectrograph virtual COM port.   This allows low-level programming with ASCII string commands.   We also include our spectrometer software, which allows: Changing all CCD parameters (wavelength coefficients, integration time) Slit width control Spectrograph wavelength range control. Spectrograph input aperture (input f#) Multiple Graphical Modes o Transmittance o Absorbance Software activated darks Software activated references (field flats) Data export (CSV, TXT, User selectable) Store multiple spectra and graph multiple spectra Rapid customization to user requirements Library of Spectrophotometer Application Software
Mechanical Specifications of Spectrograph and Vacuum Interface Front 2.75 in flange can be attached to UHV chamber.  Spectrograph is isolated with MgF2 window in vacuum adapter.  Purge can be dry N2, Ar, or He. The Spectrometer can be removed from a vacuum chamber without breaking vacuum.  This allows bake out of the UHV chamber above the non-operational limit of the spectrometer
Detector Specifications Detector QE
Window Optical Bench Vacuum Adapters
MgF2 Aluminum/6061 T6 304 SS, OFE Cu gaskets
Spectrograph Vacuum Interface
3500 Gm. 550 Gm.
Spectrometers Detectors Light Sources Systems Remote Sensors Photoionization (PID) Lamps Calibration Cells PID Kits Contact us for more information