Electrodeless VUV Light Sources

Resonance Ltd. electrodeless VUV sources are designed to be reliable, compact and maintenance free with an operating life often in excess of 4000 hours. The VUV sources are sealed RF excited sources with a window in an EMI shielded enclosure that mounts to a 2.75 inch or larger CF type flange. The source assembly has an integral RF exciter which is powered by a small wall plug power supply.
Source Type
Principal Wavelengths (nm)
~3 mW/str ~6 mW/str ~9 mW/str ~4 mW/str ~5 mW/str ~40 mW/str ~70 mW/str ~130 mW/str
~0.5 mW/str ~0.1 mW/str ~0.1 mW/str
~200 KRay ~2000 KRay
~0.5 mW/str -2 mW/str ~3 mW/str ~0.04 mW/str ~0.14 mW/str ~0.01 mW/str ~0.03 mW/str ~0.2 mW/str ~30 mW/str ~60 mW/str
106 116.5, 123.6 129.6, 147 130.2, 130.4, 130.6 121.4 120 118.9 121.6 116.5, 123.6 147
110 to 140 124 to 170 148 to 190 115 to 400 113 to 400 113 to 140 115 to 170 147 to 190
308 200 to 260 110 to 200
555.7 700 to 900
Copyright Resonance Ltd., December 2011 143 Ferndale Drive North, Barrie, ON L4N 9V9       Tel: 705-733-3633         Fax: 705-733-1388      Email:sales@resonance.on.ca 
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