ATOMS Atomic Species Exposure and Measurement Systems
Oil Free Pump
AO Exposure Chamber
AO Density Profiler
VUV Solar Simulator
Single VUV-UV Source
RF Oxygen Power (W)
Complete system, including pump, mounted in standard 47.5 cm (19 in) rack
Standard system is in full-height 1.8 m (72 in) rack
Budget system is mounted in half height rack
In-Situ Atom and Molecule Absorption and Fluorescence Measuring Systems
OAMS and NAMS Oxygen Absorption and Nitrogen Atom Measuring Systems
Profiling Systems - Irradiance, Atomic Oxygen Density and Atomic Nitrogen Density Profilers
Subsystems and Options
Each subsystem can be purchased as a part of a complete ATOMS system or as a product on its own.
Atomic Oxygen Exposure Chamber (AO-EC)
Pyrex vacuum chamber
Quick dismount 5 cm diameter circular specimen holder
Gas inlet manifold
Outlet pumping manifold with ozone filter & throttle valve
Multiple ports for extra sample holders, RGA, Atomic Oxygen Density Profiler, VUV-UV Solar Simulator
Dual Thermocouple gauges for pump & system pressure
VUV-UV Solar Simulator (VUV-UV-SS)
3 VUV-UV sources covering 115-400 NM
Irradiates sample with > one solar equivalent of VUV and near UV light
CF Mounting Flange with Lamp Adapter (3 sets)
Lamps included are:
Krypton Continuum Source (KrCM-L)
Xenon Continuum Source (XeCM-L)
Xenon Flashlamp (XeCQ-LF)
In-Situ System
Two models of in-situ system (measure atomic or molecular density through different means):
In-Situ Atom and Molecule Absorption Measuring Systems
In-Situ Atom and Molecule Fluorescence Measuring Systems
Species determined by the type of lamp and detector used
Species include atomic Oxygen, Nitrogen, Chlorine and Hydrogen as well as molecular OH, NO and CO
Detection limits of:
109 atoms or 1012 molecules per cm3 for a 10 cm path with the Absorption Measuring System
106 atoms or 109 molecules per cm3 for a 10 cm path with the Fluorescence Measuring System
Both systems are “plug-and-run” and include everything required to make measurements
Density Profiling System
For atomic Oxygen or atomic Nitrogen profiling
Measures irradiance across sample
Has four detectors covering 110 - 1000 nm
Features of the Atomic Oxygen Exposure and Measurement System
Samples exposed to continuous stream of thermal oxygen atoms.
Atomic oxygen flux of 2x10^19 cm^2/sec (up to 2x10^16cm^2/sec equivalent 5 eV
atomic oxygen flux measured with Kapton dosimeter).
Measurable erosion of Kapton in 1/2 hour. Typical sample exposure time is 2 hours.
Samples are downstream from active plasma and are not exposed to uncontrolled ions,
metastables or UV radiation as in plasma ashers.
Simultaneous solar simulation is available with 3 VUV & UV sources.
Atomic oxygen density profile across sample can be measured by resonance
Resonance Ltd. has developed a system to expose materials to thermal atomic oxygen and VUV-UV light that simulates low earth orbit
conditions. Oxygen atoms are produced upstream from the exposure chamber by RF dissociation of O2. Atomic oxygen concentrations to
10^15 atoms/cm^3 can be generated with the high power RFX-500 generator. This is comparable to an atomic oxygen flux of roughly
2x10^16 cm^2/sec (equivalent 5 eV atomic flux measured with Kapton dosimeter).
The oxygen density profile across the material sample can be measured in-situ with the Resonance Ltd. Atomic Oxygen Density Profiler
using the technique of resonance absorption. A beam of light from an atomic oxygen 130.2 nm resonance lamp is directed across the
exposure chamber. This light is absorbed by the oxygen atoms in the chamber and the amount of absorption is measured by a VUV solar
blind diode. The density profile across the sample can be determined by scanning the optical path.
Resonance can also provide UV and VUV sources that simulate the solar spectrum in order to evaluate the effects of exposure to UV and
atomic oxygen simultaneously. The Atomic Oxygen Density Profiler and Solar Simulator Sources can be easily adapted to existing atomic
oxygen exposure systems.
Resonance offers three complete ATOMS systems to suit a variety of applications and budgets: The deluxe system (ATOMS-SX); the
standard system (ATOMS-S); and the budget system (ATOMS-C). Both the ATOMS-SX and the ATOMS-S systems include exposure to
atomic oxygen and VUV radiation, as well as in-situ atomic oxygen density measurement.
> 1015 ph/cm2/s
> 5x1015 ph/cm2/s
> 2x1015 ph/cm2/s
Copyright Resonance Ltd., December 2011
143 Ferndale Drive North, Barrie, ON L4N 9V9 Tel: 705-733-3633 Fax: 705-733-1388