TR-SES-300 Systems

The Resonance Transmission and Reflection Evaluation System uses a computer controlled tunable vacuum ultraviolet (VUV) light source for testing reflectance and transmittance of a sample. It delivers VUV wavelengths to samples and measures their spectral reflectance and/or transmittance with a solar blind PMT. Its modular design allows for quick and easy change of emission sources, detectors and sample wheels. This is an excellent system for quality control, fundamental research and development of VUV and UV materials, and with its small footprint and LabVIEW based software, the TR-SES 300 from Resonance Ltd. is an easy fit in almost any lab.
Copyright Resonance Ltd., December 2011 143 Ferndale Drive North, Barrie, ON L4N 9V9       Tel: 705-733-3633         Fax: 705-733-1388 
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*TR-SES-300 is discontinued and has been replaced by TR-SES-200. Please view the TR-SES-200 page for current product information.
Spectrometers Detectors Light Sources Systems Remote Sensors Photoionization (PID) Lamps Calibration Cells PID Kits
Deuterium 115 - 400nm 0.1 - 10nm (selectable with slit size) Adjustable from 25 - 400um <2cm 10 x 25mm samples 10 - 30 minutes to 10-5 torr 10-7 torr 0 - 89 degrees about z-axis 5 - 180 degrees about x-axis
Excitation Lamp Excitation Wavelength Range Resolution Slit Width Colimated Beam Size Sample Holder Pump Time Ultimate Vacuum Sample Rotation Detector Rotation
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