MoleculeDescriptionOH(0,0) band at 306.4nm with a typical flux of 1.5x1014 photons/sec/strNONO gamma bands at 180 - 280nm with a typical flux of 4x1014 photons/sec/strCOCO 4th position bands at 113 - 140nm with a typical flux of 1x1014 photons/sec/str
The Resonance VUV line sources comes in various body style to add extra flexibility in coupling to your system.
-LOur standard lamp body with a 1”-20 thread for mounting.Also available with an adaptorto mount to any standard CF styleflange 2 3/4” or larger.
-LQD12Re-entrant style lamp with aquick disconnect adaptor.Allows the user to move thesource for optimal placement within the chamber.Length of tube can be varied.