Electrodeless Flow Light Sources

The Resonance EUV windowless source is an RF excited flow lamp with a capillary bore in an EMI shielded enclosure. This lamp mounts to a 33.78 mm or larger CF type flange. The lamp assembly has an integral RF exciter which is powered by a small wall plug power supply. This supply is sufficient to produce emissions from the principal neutral rare gas species in the range of 1015 photons per second per steradian. When coupled with a Resonance VM series monochromator, this will work as a tunable light source from 25 nm to up to 800 nm.
Copyright Resonance Ltd., December 2011 143 Ferndale Drive North, Barrie, ON L4N 9V9       Tel: 705-733-3633         Fax: 705-733-1388      Email:sales@resonance.on.ca 
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110 - 240V 28 W RF 0.5A @ 110V typical 800g >10^15 ph/sec/str (for major spectral lines) 2 3/4” CF flange standard +/- 0.2nm
Power In Power Supply Current Mass Intensity Vacuum Adapter Wavelength Reproducibility
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