Photo-Ionization Detection (PID) Lamps Products

Resonance mass produces an extensive range of RF excited lamps filled with a variety of gases. In these lamps, the natural "RESONANCE" frequency of the gas is excited by plasma in the bulb. Combinations of the appropriate fill gases and window materials are used to select near monochromatic energies in the 10.6 to 8.4 eV range. Unique sealing and processing technologies developed during work for the US and Japanese space programs yield lamps of exceptionally high stability and output. Burn-in and VUV testing of every lamp ensures the best quality to meet customers' requirements throughout the world.
> 2000 hours half-life time > 1 year shelf life Maximum intensity from highest quality window materials Direct from manufacturer to you PhotoVacTM replacement lamps Custom designs available PhotoVac(TM) and MSA(TM) replacement lamps
Competitive pricing Quantity discounts Next day shipment for stock items > 30 years manufacturing experience
Options and Accessories
Complete PID kit (includes lamp, exciter and ion collector) Custom bulb designs
Energy (eV) VUV Wavelength (nm) Window Material Gas Fill 8.4 147.6 MgF2/Sapphire Xe 8.4/9.6 147.6/126.7 MgF2 Xe 10.0 123.6 MgF2/CaF2 Kr 10.0/10.6 123.6/116.5 MgF2 Kr
Length: less than 1.51” (standard) Diameter: between 0.47” and 0.50” Running Life: > 2000 hrs. Output: Up to 1.5 mW at 116.5 nm and 123.6 nm (10.6 eV lamps)
Copyright Resonance Ltd., December 2011 143 Ferndale Drive North, Barrie, ON L4N 9V9       Tel: 705-733-3633         Fax: 705-733-1388 
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