PHO-ses-200 integrated system
The Resonance Phosphor Evaluation System uses a computer-controlled tunable vacuum ultraviolet light source with design optimized for test of phosphor emission and luminescence. Additionally, the PHO-SES-200 can also be adjusted to measure the transmission, reflection or fluorescence of any sample. It delivers vacuum ultraviolet (VUV) excitation wavelengths to samples on a target holder and measures their spectral phosphorescence with a fiber optic coupled pulse counting monochromator.
This is an excellent system for quality control, fundamental research and development of VUV and UV excited emitting materials.
- Specifications
- Features
- 120 to 400nm Tunable light source with 0.15 to 10nm spectral bandwidth
- Reference VUV solar blind PMT for tunable light source for absolute VUV/UV flux onto sample and transmission of sample
- 10 sample positions on standard wheel
- Modular design allows change of emission sources and detection optics
- Compact footprint; less than 1 square meter
- Turn-key oil free pumping system
- Emission spectrometer uses high sensitivity UV/Vis/Nir PMT for a wide spectral range from 200 to 900nm
- VUV solar blind PMT transmission detecto
- Order sorter with 2 long pass filters
- LabView based software with USB interface
Light Sources, Spectrometers, Monochromators, Detectors , Components and Systems from Extreme Ultraviolet (EUV) to Infrared (IR)
Resonance Ltd | Telephone (705)733-3633
143 Ferndale Drive North, Barrie, Ontario L4N 9V9 Canada