Calibration Cells so2

Calibration Cells SO2

Differential Optical Absorption Spectroscopy (DOAS) is a technique used to measure trace quantities of SO2 by measuring their optical absorption of a broadband source and, by using both the broadband and narrowband absorption cross-section against a reference spectrum, determining its concentration.

Resonance Ltd. supplies a line of DOAS calibration cells filled with SO2. These cells can be filled to concentrations ranging from 0 -2000 ppm-m and are designed to fit most standard DOAS systems.  Made with quartz or Pyrex, these cells can withstand the harshest environments and are extremely resistant to scratches and contamination, providing a long and reliable lifetime.

  • Specifications
  • Features
  • Advantages
  • Customization


14.13 (standard)



Shelf Life

> 2 years


0-2000 ppm-m

Fill Accuracy

+/- 10%

Light Sources, Spectrometers, Monochromators, Detectors , Components and Systems from Extreme Ultraviolet (EUV) to Infrared (IR)

Resonance Ltd  | Telephone (705)733-3633

143 Ferndale Drive North, Barrie, Ontario L4N 9V9 Canada